
The number 1 cause of the case crashing is the divergence in the Newton solver used in algebraic models. Look at the error trace, does crash occur in a function called value or derivative? Then it is the Newton solver.

The divergence occurs due to a bad velocity value being sampled to the wall model. This typically occurs due to bad (e.g. uniform) initial conditions. The remedy is therefore to run your case for a bit without wall modelling to get a reasonable initial field and then turn on the wall model.

However, often one can also run with hSampler set to 0, i.e. sampling from the near-wall cell. This tends to be very stable.

If your case crashes anyway, try setting copyToPatchInternalField to 1 in the boundary condition configuration. This copies the wall value of the viscosity to the near-wall cell. This a trick, but it tends to stabilize the velocity value in the near-wall cell. This should certainly be used id you see that your wall nut values are starting to climb up unreasonably. The latter is, in fact, how ODE models “diverge”, even if the case will be able to run for a long time.

Finally, don’t refine the mesh towards the wall, at least not a lot. This tends to lead to less stable simulations and won’t improve the accuracy.