Class BisectionRootFinder

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class BisectionRootFinder : public RootFinder

Root finder based on the bisection method.

Controlled by three paramters: the max number of iterations, the relative error tolerance and the bracket. The latter is used to define the initial size of the search interval in conjuction with an initial guess of the root value. If x0 is the guess then the search interval is from x0/bracket to bracket*x0.

The bisection method is meant to be used with equations where the Jacobian is not well defined. Currently, however, it appears to be problematic to get a good initial interval size in the beginning of the simulation.


        type       Bisection;
        maxIter    value; (default 10)
        eps        value; (default 0.01)
        bracket    value; (default 3)

Contributors/Copyright: 2016-2018 Timofey Mukha 2017 Saleh Rezaeiravesh

Source files

Public Functions

BisectionRootFinder(const word &rootFinderName, std::function<scalar(scalar)>, std::function<scalar(scalar)>, const scalar eps, const label maxIter)
BisectionRootFinder(std::function<scalar(scalar)>, std::function<scalar(scalar)>, const dictionary &dict)
BisectionRootFinder(const dictionary &dict)
BisectionRootFinder(const BisectionRootFinder&) = default
inline virtual autoPtr<RootFinder> clone() const
inline virtual ~BisectionRootFinder()
inline scalar bracket() const
virtual scalar root(scalar guess) const
inline virtual void write(Ostream &os) const