Class wallModelFvPatchScalarField

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public fixedValueFvPatchScalarField

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class wallModelFvPatchScalarField : public fixedValueFvPatchScalarField

Base abstract class for LES wall models.

Handles creating and storing fields used by the wall models. The following fields are created and stored in the registry.

  • hSampler or h, the patch fields of which hold the distance to the cells used for sampling. This field is read and must be present for the simulation to run.

  • samplingCells, which marks the cells used for sampling with a value corresponding to the index of the patch that uses them.

  • uTauPredicted, the patch fields of which hold the value of uTau as predicted by the wall model.

  • wallShearStress, the patch fields of which hold the value of the wall shear stress.

  • wallGradU, the patch fields of which store the wall-normal of the velocity gradient.

Contributors/Copyright: 2018-2019 Timofey Mukha

Source files

Subclassed by KnownWallShearStressWallModelFvPatchScalarField, LOTWWallModelFvPatchScalarField, MulticellLOTWWallModelFvPatchScalarField, ODEWallModelFvPatchScalarField

Public Functions

wallModelFvPatchScalarField(const fvPatch&, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>&)
wallModelFvPatchScalarField(const fvPatch&, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>&, const dictionary&)
wallModelFvPatchScalarField(const wallModelFvPatchScalarField&, const fvPatch&, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>&, const fvPatchFieldMapper&)
wallModelFvPatchScalarField(const wallModelFvPatchScalarField&)
wallModelFvPatchScalarField(const wallModelFvPatchScalarField&, const DimensionedField<scalar, volMesh>&)
inline scalar averagingTime() const
inline scalar consumedTime() const
inline bool silent() const
inline bool copyToPatchInternalField() const
virtual void updateCoeffs()
virtual void write(Ostream&) const

Protected Functions

virtual void createFields() const
virtual void checkType()
tmp<volScalarField> nu() const
tmp<scalarField> nu(const label patchi) const
virtual tmp<scalarField> calcNut() const = 0
virtual void writeLocalEntries(Ostream&) const

Protected Attributes

scalar averagingTime_